In the Right Place at the Right Time

July 1, 2014 by

Parshas Chukas

The wonder of the Parah Aduma (red heffer) was that it purified the impure while making impure the pure. The Ba'al Shem Tov writes that although we are unable to perform the mitzvah involving the Parah Aduma, the spirit of the mitzvah still very much applies in the character trait of haughtiness. If used correctly, haughtiness can help a person make tremendous accomplishments. However, if he employs the trait of haughtiness after he's made the accomplishment, it is considered dispicible. Just like the Parah Aduma, it contains a positive/negative contradiction. Haughtiness is generally frowned upon,but in the right place at the right time it has its benefits, as well.

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