I write this article fully aware of the risk at stake. Namely - loosing popularity. To be honest, though, I do not publish my articles or videos in a quest ...
Parsha Newsletter
Bitachon & Hishtadlus
On the Front Lines of Kiruv
Allow me to share with you a conversation I once had with the rabbi of an “out of town” outreach kollel in America. After spending a few days in his ...
New Dead Sea Discovery
There I was on the shores of the Dead Sea. My chavrusa, Moshe Lambert, and I had opted for a change of scenery for our daily chavrusa. We packed our ...
Jerry Garci-nan: Skeletons from My Closet
As the smoke clears from Chicago’s Soldier Field there could not be a more appropriate time to address a particular phenomenon that I think every ba’al teshuva is familiar with. ...
Israel, Politics, & the Jews
Without getting overly involved, I’d like to share with you a thought or two about the recent events in Israel and its effects on the Jewish world. A Rabbi once ...
The Drinks Are On Me
Reb Levi Yizchok of Berdichev was legendary for his ability to highlight the greatness of the Jewish people even in their ugliest moments. His stories are classics of the Chassidic ...
Why do Jews Love to Donate?
"Cause for concern" was the common thread running through two articles I read recently on the topic of Jewish-American philanthropy. Research shows that while Jews rank amongst the most charitable, ...
Jewish Women
Positioned at the foot of Har Sinai, the Jewish people take camp and prepare for the epic moment of Matan Torah. Hashem opens the heavens and calls to Moshe - ...
Following the Leader
Imagine you were one of the Jews leaving Egypt. You've got your wife and kids, very limited supplies, and the choice of heading into the vast, barren desert or cruising ...
Pay Day
There's an interesting code-of-conduct cited in the Talmud. The rule is: if someone has something that is yours, do not be sneaky about retrieving it, lest you appear like a ...