Turning Over a New Leaf

October 23, 2014 by

By now most of us have probably put the Sukkah back into storage and are slowly re-acclimating to life's ordinary routine. As we bid farewell to this years lucky palm leaf I invite you to turn over another leaf.
It's probably something you've been thinking about for a long time, just haven't pushed yourself to do. What am I talking about? I'm talking about setting up a chavrusa. A quality, one- to-one learning situation that will give you the chance to thrive in Torah. I know it's hard. Between work and family who has the time? That's exactly where Aliyos Yerushalayim can help. Over the years dozens of people have taken advantage of our unique learning opportunities to achieve goals in Torah they only dreamed of.
Now's the time for you to make the move. We're located in several neighborhoods around Yerushalayim and will customize a chavrusa to fit your schedule.
Want to learn more about what a chavrusa is and how it can help you? Simply check out our chavrusa page and get in touch. Remember, right under the leaves of fall lies the chance to rise with Aliyos Yerushalayim.
And while you're at it, take a minute to hear what people have to say about how they've benefited from Aliyos Yerushalayim.

I look forward to seeing you in the Beis Midash,

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