The Moral High Ground

July 30, 2014 by

An Israeli MK recently criticized Israel for "sacrificing its soldiers for the safety of Gaza residents."  Indeed one could claim that Israel's humanitarian policy has sent many of her own civilians running to bomb shelters.
In this week's Parsha we receive instructions to designate arei miklat - cities of shelter - designed to protect one from a vengeful pursuant.  An interesting fact about the cities was that they were populated by the Levites.  Why were these cities specifically chosen from the areas where the Levites lived?  Because the tribe of Levi was distinguished for it's excellence in Torah.  It was inspiring to be around them!  The Sefer HaChinuch explains their spirituality influenced the very ground on which they dwelled.  It was a real moral high "ground."
Only such a city - where being there would change you for the better - would the Torah prescribe as a place of refuge.
May all our bomb shelters be converted to storage rooms speedily in our days!!!

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