Living Up to Eretz Yisrael

November 26, 2014 by

This one requires an introduction. In this world that G-d created, He installed a "program" that maintains a constant level of equilibrium. This is a concept which the Sages refer to as זו לעומת זו – zu le'umas zu. Without getting too involved, it means that everything created has its opposing counterpart. There's light and there's darkness. Where there's the greatest potential to rise, lays the greatest risk of falling. And where there's kedusha – holiness, there's tuma – impurity - he antithesis of kedusha.

A Rabbi once told me that the very kedusha of Eretz Yisrael was his reason for not living there. "Because the kedusha is greater there, you are required to live your life according to a higher standard" he told me. He was an Orthodox Rabbi! Although I agree it's a responsibility, but isn't that the Torah in a nutshell - a responsibility that we have to live up to?

While Ya'akov was on his way to Charan, he had a vision in a dream and saw a ladder going up to the heavens with angels "ascending and descending on it." Why were they first ascending, and only later descending? Rashi explains because the angels that escorted Ya'akov in the Land of Israel could not go with him as he ventured abroad. While abroad he would have a different set of angels protecting him. Rav Moshe Shternbauch שליט"א clarifies this further by explaining that kedusha attracts tuma. Since Eretz Yisrael is the holiest of all lands; it also has the greatest threat of tuma. One who lives in Eretz Yisrael is given especially strong angels to protect him from these negative forces, whereas outside of Israel where the forces of tuma are less intense, therefore a lower strength angel is provided (Ta'am Vida'as, Bereishis 28:12). Ya'akov's vision of the angels was the changing of the guards!

Living in Eretz Yisrael demands of us to understand that our existence is not bound by the rules of nature. It means looking to see Hashem's hand in every facet of life. Whether it be getting the right bus to the right place, buying milk at the makolet, or seeing Hashem in the midst of tragedy, living up to Eretz Yisrael is living with Hashem.

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